Sunday, August 30, 2009

And the Canon is...

My apologies for missing the last week with no blog. As I have said, I am a high school teacher, and we had to report back to work last week. School begins tomorrow, and I'm going to have to figure out how to maintain a twice a week blog along with the various demands school brings. In addition to school, I'm working nights part time until the middle of October, and taking a graduate level course towards my Masters degree. So bear with me, at least for the next month or so. I'll do my best!

Based on comments made, it seems everyone feels that the Nancy Drew books 1-175 are the official canon. I find that interesting, as I would think many would feel that only the Original Text Nancy's constitute the official canon. Or that only the first 56 books published by Grosset and Dunlap count. But that is not the case.

Personally, I'm glad that there is room in readers minds for the later paperbacks. I find the pace of the books acceptable, and really like the modern Nancy of the late twentieth century. I like the mysteries, and find them reflective of their time, just as the early Nancy reflected her own era. I have only read a handful, but I like the paperbacks. I'm glad folks don't mind including them. It adds to the appeal of the series, in my opinion. The longevity of the series is a testimony to the Stratemeyer vision.

I'll post later this week again. If you haven't done so, check out my Bonanzle booth. I have some paperback Nancy's, as well as first printings of the early Girl Detective series.


  1. There are some people who definitely view only the first 34 original text books as the real Nancy Drew. These people are the ones who exclusively read the original text books as children, and they are almost certainly above the age of 50. It could go either way for people who are in their 40s. For those of us who are under 40, we generally read the revised text books and even some of the paperbacks, so we are much more open to including all of #1-175.

    I have a feeling that people who read blogs are more likely people who are under the age of 50. This is just a supposition on my part, and I have no statistics with which to back it up. But if I'm right, then it would explain why your responses were open to the idea of including all of #1-175.

    It can be really hard to keep up a steady stream of new blog posts. I rely heavily on the scheduling feature for my blog. You can select a future date and time for a post so that it does not get published immediately.

    I have been very tired for the last two weeks ever since I went back to work. I managed to get a couple of posts written last weekend, which got me through the last week. I wrote two posts this weekend, and published one of them. The other one is currently scheduled for Wednesday, but I'll probably push it back so that I can write and publish a post on my August sales on Bonanzle. By writing on the weekend and spacing my posts days apart, I can keep up a steady stream of fresh content even when I am too tired or busy to write something new.

  2. Thanks Jennifer- I'll have to check into the scheduler- I didn't even realize that feature existed!!
